Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Featured Fellow: Brooke Boisseau

Phi Kappa Phi’s Featured Fellow for February is Brooke Boisseau, a 2017 Marcus L. Urann Fellow. Brooke was awarded the Urann Fellowship as an undergraduate at The University of Southern Mississippi and went on to pursue a J.D. in Human Rights Law at the University of Virginia School of Law.

Brooke earned the top freshman honor at USM, the Presidential Award, because of her outstanding high school success. With the award, she began her undergraduate education guided by two principles: first, to take advantage of every opportunity afforded her, and second, to embrace both Hattiesburg and the rest of the world as her life’s platform. She graduated with the highest academic standing in three majors—international studies, French and religion—while completing two semesters of study abroad in India and France.

The deadline to apply for one of 57 Phi Kappa Phi Fellowships is April 16, 2018. The Society will award six $15,000 grants and 51 $5,000 grants to students nationwide.

Since its creation in 1932, the Fellowship Program has become one of the Society's most visible and financially well-supported endeavors, allocating $345,000 annually to deserving students for first-year graduate or professional study. The competition is open to all active Phi Kappa Phi members who meet the eligibility requirements.

“Receiving the Marcus L. Urann Fellowship means so much to me,” shared Brooke. “Now, not only do I have my family supporting me every step of the way, I also have Phi Kappa Phi who believes in my ability to succeed so much that it granted me this fellowship.”

Each active Phi Kappa Phi chapter may endorse one candidate from among its local applicants to compete Society-wide for a fellowship. The national deadline for chapters to submit an applicant is April 16. Chapter deadlines vary. If you are a student interested in applying for a fellowship, visit www.phikappaphi.org/chapterlist to contact your chapter for local deadline information.

For more information, visit www.phikappaphi.org/fellowship or contact Kelli Partin at kpartin@phikappaphi.org.

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