Friday, March 22, 2019

Chapter Update - March 2019

Marshall University (Chapter 313) had their student vice presidents put together a wonderful newsletter to reach their campus community. The newsletter highlights their most recent initiation ceremony, award opportunities, and what Phi Kappa Phi is doing in the community. Click here to check it out.

The newsletter accompanied an email to chapter members that were set to renew with an explanation of what chapter dues (which are not mandatory) do for the chapter and community. It is a good example of what a chapter can do to be sure that the members that renew see what they are supporting, and it leads to more members renewing and continuing to support their chapter!

“When you receive your dues invoice from Phi Kappa Phi, in addition to paying national dues ($35), you have the option to add chapter dues ($15) and/or an additional donation to support Marshall’s chapter (313) scholarships,” Chapter President Dr. Kristen Lillvis explains in the accompanying email. “Phi Kappa Phi members’ national dues support many worthwhile projects at the national level (including national awards), but none of this money is returned to local chapters. However, all money you designate for the local chapter, i.e. additional money for chapter dues and scholarships, is returned to Marshall’s chapter and will help us to grow the support we can offer to our students and to the community. Additionally, contributions to our scholarship fund are tax deductible for charitable purposes.”

Something as simple as this can lead to gains in terms of how many people choose to support their chapter, just by understanding what this money goes towards, and how it benefits the chapter.

We thank Marshall for letting us share their information and email!

If you have chapter events and updates that you’d like to share with the national office, email me at

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