Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Member Tips: It's the Final(s) Countdown!

Are finals lurking right around the corner? Before you face the challenge, make sure you've got everything in place for smooth sailing. Let us and your fellow Society members offer advice to ensure a successful trip to the end of the semester.

10. Develop a plan – All good journeys need a schedule. Create a day-by-day timeline for each project, paper and exam left on the books.

9. Break it down – Identify larger items on your list and break them into smaller tasks so that you don't feel overwhelmed. Focusing on smaller tasks and marking them off as you go will give you a sense of accomplishment and build momentum.

8. Check your environment – Make sure your workspace is comfortable in every way possible. From lighting to seating, create an environment that encourages you to focus. Consider the sounds around you as well. While some like background music, others prefer uninterrupted silence.

7. Remove distractions – Maggie Jackson's essay in the latest Forum explores our connection to technology and smart phones. She notes that heavy multitaskers "have trouble remembering things." Whether it's setting the phone aside or informing housemates that you need quiet time, carve out a bit of solitude for yourself.

6. Write it down – The repetitive nature of handwriting helps imprint information in our brains. Consider rewriting your notes or creating flashcards to quiz yourself. Member Jennifer Ceron suggests buying a dry erase board so that you can repeatedly draw diagrams until you've got them down pat.

5. Read it again – Go back through your notes and re-read them to refresh your memory and look for things you may have forgotten. Skim back through important chapters or units in the books from the semester.

4. Say it out loud – Our own voices can be a great teacher. Try quizzing yourself out loud or pretending you're the instructor. Give a lecture on the subject or imagine you're explaining it to someone else. If you can teach someone else, you help yourself understand, too.

3. Give yourself a break – Schedule regular breaks into your day to redirect your attention elsewhere. Consider some light stretching or a walk outside to rejuvenate your body in addition to your mind.

2. Fuel up – Don't let yourself run out of fuel before reaching your destination! Keep water or your favorite hydrating beverage nearby and stock up on healthy snacks. Member Dorothy Justice keeps trail mix on hand, while Candice Lalla reminds us to get enough sleep.

1. Consider alternative routes – Stuck at a dead end? Find an alternative route by joining the discussion in Link and see what ideas other members have to share.

Note, the community is available to active members only, and your member login will be required. For assistance with your login, email webmaster@phikappaphi.org.

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