The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi's international community is a unique blend of students, academicians, and corporate and civic leaders from all fields of endeavor. Membership in Phi Kappa Phi recognizes and rewards academic success. That recognition doesn’t end after initiation. From their time in school to their professional career, Society members’ hard work continues to pay off and be acknowledged.
Phi Kappa Phi would like to congratulate these members on their recent achievements:
Lesia Crumpton-Young (Tennessee State University) president of Texas Southern University, has been appointed to the United Way of Greater Houston Board of Trustees. Crumpton-Young is one of six new members confirmed to the Board that provides direction to one of the leading charitable organizations in the Houston region.
Jackelyne Hinojosa (California State University, Stanislaus) is among aspiring teachers, artists and other professionals who have been selected as 2022 Mary Stuart Rogers Scholars. The awards, in their 32nd year, honor upper-division students and credential candidates who have overcome challenges to achieve success and demonstrate hope for the future.
Patricia King (University of Nevada, Reno) was recognized at the annual College of Science Distinguished Alumni Reception as a Samuel Abraham Goudsmit Medal Recipient for her contributions and advancement of the mission of the College and the University.
David Prihoda (Emporia State University) was honored to present at Fulbright's 45th Annual Conference in Bethesda, Maryland. His talk at the conference, entitled "The Ubiquity of Malaysian Rain" chronicled his journey from the American Midwest to Asia, during his year in Malaysia as a Fulbright ETA in 2012.
Cheryl Tillotson (University of Nevada, Las Vegas) was honored with the 2022 Patrick T. Smith Achievement in Service Award for her work as an advisor, instructor, mentor, and volunteer.
Widener University recognized students for outstanding work in the university’s 13th-annual Summer Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities Symposium–a program that allows undergraduates to work alongside faculty with hands-on investigations into research and creative projects. They include Society members Zachary Anderson and Zora Deseignora.
Texas A&M University has named the 2022 Gathright/Dean’s Excellence Award Winners–the top first- and second-year students in each of the academic colleges at the school. They include Society members Allison Bendersky, Miles Cook, Kade McAdams and Abhinav Ramesh.
Do you have an accomplishment you’d like to share? Email your member news to to be considered for inclusion.
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